April 21, 2014

Fun Day Monday

Who doesn't love a sale? For the next 3 days, you can get some great products for the end of the year or stock up for next year. Don't miss out on this 15% off sale. Happy spring and happy shopping!

April 10, 2014

Kids Say Thursday

Just a little testing humor for you:

Me: "We're doing the listening section of our test today."
2nd Grader: "Which section are we doing?"

Here is a fun way to encourage your students during testing week. I cut out flowers (out of that foam paper) and taped mini containers of play dough to them. My class got so excited when they saw them!

April 8, 2014

Tip Tuesday

 April showers bring May flowers for sure. In a classroom, April showers bring antsy students! Rain, rain, go away! It's hard to keep kids in all day. Ever feel like this? In my class, I have a rainy day bin. It's a Rubbermaid container that I filled with goodies. It contains games, puzzles, stencils, crafts, etc. It keeps the students occupied during inside recess and excited even for indoor recess. Here's my FREE sign that you can use on your own rainy day bin. Feel free to send me pictures of your own rainy day bins. Email me at mrsdonaldsonhasclass@gmail.com.